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Chronoscan Example Applications and Installations Invoice Processing

Purchase Invoices Example

Purchase invoices arrive in all sorts of shapes, sizes and formats. Chronoscan will process each invoice (scanned or and electronically created PDF/attachment). Chronoscan monitors a folder of incoming scans or PDF files.

It will recognise the supplier using OCR and looking up key information from your supplier database.

Chronoscan will then extract data from the invoice, this may be just header information, for example:
Supplier name
Invoice Number
Nett Total
Gross Total

Or it can extract header and line entry data too:

Supplier name
Invoice Number
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Nett Total
Gross Total

forms processing zonal ocr anchor

The data is then run through a validation process to ensure that the totals are correct. Any invoices that fail validation will need to be investigated.

The extracted invoice data is then exported to your accounts system, and a Searchable PDF of the document saved to your server or Cloud Service, SharePoint 365 for example.

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